Know How

Each client, each product, is a world unto itself. Each has demands and unique details that are all its own. That is why we have developed a teamwork system with our clients and provide solutions at various stages throughout the process, to ensure the success of each product.

Creation and development
A new essence emerges from the alignment of the creative art and the know-how of our flavorists and perfumers, constant study of regional preferences and market trends, and a comparative analysis that includes demanding sensory evaluation processes at each stage.

Technology and innovation
Our e-capture technology supports our entire development process. Thanks to equipments like the e-nose and gas chromatographs coupled to mass spectrometers, the technology enables us to identify aromas in their natural state with up to 90% efficiency.
We also have specialized areas that help expand our horizons regarding the creation, application control and production of our essences. Thanks to our pilot plants and sensory evaluation testing, we achieve absolute certainty regarding the result and stability that each essence will have once applied to the product.
Our production systems also include 24-hour robotic manufacturing that meets demanding energy efficiency standards.

It is not enough to create the perfect essence for a product. Its safety and invariability over time must also be guaranteed. Our advanced Quality Control laboratory applies the strictest standards to each of our products.
To comply with the regulations and legal requirements in each country, our team of professionals remains up-to-date at all times. To that end, we belong to prestigious organizations, including IOFI (International Organization of the Flavor Industry), IFRA (The international Fragrance Association) and FEMA (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association)

Efficiency and punctuality
Our Smart Order system, which is applied to the production and delivery of each product, is the last stage of this customer satisfaction-based process. The system helps us see when our clients are close to running out of stock and anticipate their order needs.